Calendar & Sermon Notes

  • 10:00 am: Dedicated Prayer Time in the Sanctuary
  • 10:30 am: Worship


  • 6:30 pm:  Bible Study: What Is Faith? – Hebrews 11:1-3,6

Sermon Notes for September 8, 2024:

A Promise and A Prayer – 1 Samuel 1:24-2:11

What is worship?  Webster: the act of paying divine honor to the Supreme Being by showing respect; being submissive and showing loving devotion. True worship transforms our lives just as Hannah’s life was transformed after she poured her heart out to God in prayer. 

A Promise Kept   vs 24-28

   She weaned him – from trusting in his mother to trusting in God

      We need to build up our own faith – this takes time and effort  (2 Peter 3:18)

   She took him up with her – the first step to obedience

      The initial step in following God is often the most difficult

   She took with them an offering – according to the Law  (Num. 15:8-10)

      We must always do things God’s way

   She brought the child to Eli – the most difficult decision of her life

      After we receive Christ as Savior, we must trust Him in everything  (2 Cor. 5:7)

   She testified of God’s grace – acknowledges what God has done for her

      We need to tell others what God has done for us

   She worshiped the LORD – by giving her son to serve the LORD for life

      Getting saved is only the beginning of a life lived for God

Rom. 12:1  Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.  NASB

A Prayer Given   vs 1-11

   She rejoices in the LORD   vs 1

      For His strength – Phil. 4:13

      For His victory – over her enemy (world, flesh, devil)

   She praises the majesty of the LORD   vs 2

      No one is holy like the LORD  (I am that I am – the One who was, who is, and who always will be)

      There is no God but You – all others are false; idols

      God is my rock – stability; able to build your life upon

   She declares the sovereignty of the LORD   vs 3-8

      He will judge the proud – Ps. 94:2; 119:21; Prov. 15:25; Is. 13:11

      The mighty are defeated by the weak

      The wealthy and prosperous are cursed but the hungry and barren are blessed

      The LORD has the power over death and resurrection from the dead

      The LORD determines wealth and poverty

      The LORD controls the earth – Job 38

   She describes the reign of the LORD   vs 9,10

      Over His saints with guidance and protection

      Over His adversaries in darkness, brokenness, confusion and judgment

      By His king – eventually David; ultimately Jesus 

Because This Is True, What Should We Do?

Keep your Promises to God

Praise God in Prayer